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Got Questions ? We got you covered

angelic-faq 1
How Long will my Package Take to arrive?
Even we dont like to wait but every order is handmade with utmost care so please spare us 3-4 days for processing your order.
How to use the product?
There is no hard and fast rule to use your Angelic Drops products but still every product has instructions written on it.
How to confirm that the received product is original?
Every order placed on our website is safe and secure. For third party sellers like Amazon and Flipkart only buy products from “Sold by Angelic Drops” written in the description.
How to return it if there is any damage?
We make sure that every order is packed with bubble wraps but still if you receive your package in damaged condition you can send screenshot with your order number at our whatsapp number +919041853002. We ll take care of rest.
How long it will take to get refund?
We dont entertain refunds but if somehow you receive your package in damaged condition we will be happy to send you fresh product after a small internal enquiry.

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